So Joaquin Phoenix might not be one voice inside his head away from crapping on
Just like everyone else, I can't turn away from looking at a train wreck. And after the last couple of videos of Joaquin Phoenix coming out and his appearence on David Letterman, I'm taking the stance that the guy is officially out of control and something has to be done.
And that something is the total and complete documentation of this guys destruction right in front of us all- A shared experience to help us forget about the economy and the fact that we are all heading into the toilet in one way or another.
So the first place that we have to start is with the Letterman appearence. This is just out and out weird. I was listening to the E Channel's commentary on his appearence and they said "I smell Andy Kaufman." Are you friggin kidding me. You really think that this guy is faking this.
After this, you know that the next one has to be the rapping in Vegas video. This is all legit, he's supposedly having Puddle-Diddy produce for him, so you know it's gonna be good.
the red carpet at the Oscars. Damn. Turns out his "rap
career" could just be an elaborate ruse he cooked up with Casey Affleck,
according to Entertainment
Either Phoenix is perpetrating an elaborate Andy Kaufman-style
hoax (with an assist from his friend and brother-in-law Casey Affleck, who's
ostensibly shooting a documentary about his career transition), or he's truly
lost his marbles. The truth, it seems, is closer to the former. "He said,
'It's a put-on. I'm going to pretend to have a meltdown and change careers, and Casey is going to film it,'" says one source
who recently worked with Phoenix.
Before everyone says "I told you so," I
should probably point out that was an overheard conversation between Joaquin and
a banana. They were married later that night and divorced/turned into a smoothie the next morning when Joaquin
realized it was the government trying to steal his toothpaste. Love is a cruel mistress.

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Come on leave Joquain alone it's not like there's any history of drug addiction, depression or suicide in his family...people need to chill out
I don't know if he thinks he's Andy Kaufman or Matisyahu? He may need another asskicking from Russell Crowe, Gladiator style, to straighten him out