So I've recently become addicted with taking pictures of things that make me giggle while I'm out and about. This is an insight into my world.

Ok. The Wee Block. Initially it might get an awwwz from people, but just creepy. I tried not to make eye contact with it the entire time I was in Toys R Us.

Second. Sponge Bob Crabby Patties. I walked by this two times thinking it was Crabby Panties before I had to stop and read it phonetically. I think the makers did some subliminal stuff here. Kinda like the word sex being thrown into Aladdin that time. Love those guys for that, if I could shake their hands I would. Then immediately wash my hands.

Third. Moose Munch. I literally can't see the word Moose. Cracks me up. I think of all the funny words I can put after it, such as, Knuckle, Cock, and now Munch.

Fourth. Dwight Schrute booble head. Boss.

Fifth. Head Wipez. Anything with a "z" substituted for a "s" kills me. When it involves grown men wiping their headz, well I lose it.

Sixth. I'm not a perfect speller. In fact I think my mom still has my ninth place ribbon somewhere in her house from my failed spelling bee days. Hey I went to school in Queens cut me some slack. Greyvi? for mashed potatoes and GRAVY. No excuses.

Seventh. Lay it on thick. My first addition to why I shouldn't be around women's stores. I mean really?

Eighth. Sneak attacks. This little diddy I stumbled upon while reading a magazine at CVS. A book about girls and their bodies. This was tricky. You have to, HAVE TO, have a woman present when taking pictures of stuff like this. Security was looming and watching a grown man giggle with a book like this in his hand is probably cause. Anyway, mom's teach your daughters the old fashioned way. This is not something that should be done in comic book form. Plus, Sneak Attacks makes me think of an entirely different subject, well kinda.

Ninth.Cock Flavored Soup Mix. Need I say more.

Tenth. Due to my That's What She Said addiction whenever I go into Bed & Bath stores and I see products that say "Grin and Bare It", well it's just to easy. I might look like a creep standing next to women with my cell phone out taking pictures of the bottles, but hey that's another reason for me not to be brought into these stores. (See Lay It On Thick)

Eleventh. I get a referral to a dentist for the surgery I need done on my wisdom teeth. The man, Dr. Harry Sacks, um ya thanks. If your last name is Sacks, please don't name your son Harry. When he stuffs his parents and has taxidermy dinner's with them you can't really feel bad for them too much.

Twelfth. Asian Steamers. Now sure it looked delicious in the store, but do I really wanna eat something that if I were to type it into google would come back as a horrifying fetish for 10 pages before I got to a safe food to eat. I'll pass.

Thirteenth . A sign that was @ a NJ gas station. Serving myself illegal? Then I'm a repeat offender.