Fact: SAFE HAVEN: A seldom used bathroom somewhere in the building where you can least expect visitors. Try floors that are predominantly of the opposite sex. This will reduce the odds of a pooper of your sex entering the bathroom. (Not referenced by Wikipedia or Webster's)
So to Deuce or not to deuce. That is the question. Everyone of us in our lifetimes has been in the awkward situation of having to "drop it like it's hot" in a toilet where others might as well be sitting next to us. Now, if one has to drop a "Bum Brownie" in a situation where there is only these two options. Shit pants or use thatparticular toilet, well we all know what the answer is. Shitting your pants is never fun**. HOWEVER, never should a man (or woman as I'm finding out is more common) use this toilet for a "recreational" brown dragon. If your body allots you the amount of time necessary to find the "safe haven" to lay a "misfart" then you skedaddle your ass over there. No one and I mean no one wants to be wallowing in your product. This especially goes for a situation where food might come into play. In this occasion I gotta say I lean towards that person shitting their pants. So the next time you decide to " back the big brown caddy out the garage" have a little courtesy for your fellow man or woman. "Colon cannonballs" while eternally funny, in real life situations, ya not so much.
**Shitting pants while not fun for you if it's your mess. HILARIOUS if it's someone else's.
For further research on the topic of PooP-Click Here
That's what she said,
Mikey Love

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