
Sup Nudgiez...So I've hit a displeased point like never before. While sitting home, staring at my Xmas tree and wondering how long I can keep it for, the great TMZ broadcasts a story about 3 men suing Hooters. The reason: Equal Opportunity Employment. After breaking a few ornaments I jotted down some notes on the issue. First off, years ago I told friends about a male version of Hooters where women can go and enjoy themselves kinda like a Chippendales with salads. Now I still think it's a money maker waiting to happen, but in no way was the two meant to combine forces. It reminds me of couples that have joint Bachelor and Bachelorette parties, ya beat it. Our dad's never watched soap operas with our moms, and neither should men have to be served by other men in banana hammocks. The relation makes no sense, but it sounds good. Secondly, and I do believe Chris Rock said it best, "Nobody goes to Hooters for wings"(although they're delicious). Every once and a while a guy enjoys having a good looking girl with nice fun bags serving them their two fav things in life: bar food and beer. Not all guys, up until lately myself included, aren't into strip clubs and would rather watch a game with the guys, have a beer, even a burger and have a sexy chick drop in with some hand wipes for normal reasons. I do believe in the 80's some D Bag's sued stating that the position of Stewardess was gender specific and although losing, eventually won years later resulting in Flight Attendants...yawn. In conclusion, I hate these guys no if's, and's or but's about it and if they do win good for them maybe they can F up Maxim next too. Lord knows Kiki Vidis is losing her Tube8 battle to Tranny Surprises as each day goes by.

That's What She Said,
Mikey Love

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